Monday, November 3, 2014

Panda Eyes

Not all dark circles are created equal. Let's look at the main cause of dark circles and how to treat and conceal them so we can send those BAGS packing!
When you hear Panda eyes, what do you think of?
No, not Yoon Si Yoon in The Flower Boy Next Door...
Ah, there we go. Those annoying circles underneath your eyes that you battle with every morning but end up losing in a mess of tears and concealer. Unfortunately, everyone has them.. Well, mostly everyone. It's been proven that 9 out of 10 people have dark circles! But seriously, 10 out of 10 people have dark circles.. You are not alone!
Let's take a look at the main types of dark circles.
Bluish Under Eye Circles: (THESE ARE WHAT I STRUGGLE WITH)
CAUSE?  Your lifestyle is likely responsible for your blue-toned dark circles. They show up when you're lacking sleep, are suffering from allergies or nasal decongestion or are stressed out.
I never have time to sleep it seems and I always wake up looking like a character out of The Walking Dead. When I was browsing my Asian skin care store, Artemis (A new sales representative I became friends with), told me that I lacked sleep just by looking at the color underneath my eyes. I was shocked and automatically asked how to fix my zombie eyes.
She told me that I needed to sleep by 10pm or at least by Midnight to help reduce my dark circles because even if you sleep by two and sleep in till noon, it wouldn't help my matters but probably worsen it. Nighttime is skins natural time to regenerate and heal your skin and body. If you miss it, its a lot harder for your skin.
But there are some days when I just cant get enough sleep and I end up zombiefying my face all over again. Its ok! On those days I use my Lioele Under The Eye Light Concealer
It has a pink undertone that is meant to highlight as well as conceal. You use it before you apply your foundation, BB cream, or whatever you use! It's very effective and makes your eyes seems brighter and more youthful!
This is good to cover up all types of dark circles in general! I really recommend this product because it really makes a difference and does wonders!
Violet-Reddish Under Eye Circles:
CAUSE? Aging and genetics are to blame for your purple or red toned under eye circles. What you're seeing are visible blood vessels. As your skin ages, it becomes thinner, making blood vessels more visible. What's technically happening is that your vessel walls dilate and weaken surrounding capillaries, which causes blood cells to leak. If you have fair skin, genetics is often the culprit. You skin tends to be more translucent, making blood vessels obvious.
I recommend using retinol-based eye cream. It can help thicken the skin around your eyes to make the vessels less visible.
Brownish-Black Under Eye Circles:
CAUSE? Sun damage and genetics can result in hyperpigmentation, which creates brown or black colored circles under your eyes. While all skin tones are prone to dark circles caused by excess pigmentation, but they are most common in medium to darker skin tones.
Have I not stressed enough in my other blog posts why sunscreen is important to maintain healthy skin? Now, you are suffering for it! These are the hardest type of dark circles to treat. Try using try products containing retinoids and various antioxidants like vitamin C. Licorice extracts also work wonders for all types of dark circles! Also look for skin care products containing SPF to prevent these types of situations from happening again!
Dark and Shadowy Under Eye Circles:
CAUSE: While these "circles" aren't actually a discoloration of your skin, they create darkness under your eyes. The cause? Loss of facial volume.
Try using collagen skin care products and go see a dermatologist! These are the easiest type of dark circles to treat with the help of a dermatologist. They will use fillers to plump up the lost fat pad between the eye and cheeks to diminish the main problem!
Now let's all wave bye, bye to panda eyes!

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